Monday, March 15, 2010

8 HDTV myths demystified

Shopping around? Check out these claims often heard at big-box retailers

READ more on PC World-

"If you're buying your first HDTV or an upgrade from a starter set, your new television may deliver a better picture than the one you're used to.

But picking the right HDTV can be confusing, especially when your favorite blue-shirted salesperson may be steering you in a certain direction in hopes of a bigger commission. Or maybe the rep is just misinformed. Whatever the reasons, the environment has encouraged a cavalcade of claims about HDTVs — some of which were true for first-generation sets but have little relevance to today's buyers, some of remain valid, and some of which were never true.

I'll highlight some of the most prominent assertions made on the showroom floors of big-box retailers and explain the realities, along with tips and details for buying an HDTV, selecting the best content, hooking up the set at home, and more."

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