Sunday, September 13, 2009

Top 5 most playable ‘Beatles: Rock Band’ songs

By (CLICK to read more)

"You're dumb if you don't like the Beatles. That's a fact. If you do like the Beatles, you're even dumber if you haven't considered 'Beatles: Rock Band,' the new music game for Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 that transforms your sing-along self into a virtual John, Paul, George or Ringo, complete with musical genius.

'The game is good, the graphics are very good — we were great,' said Starr when premiering the game this summer. And he's right on all three counts.

But not every song is as fun to play as it is to listen to. It takes chemistry and energy to really get things moving. So without further adieu, I give you the top five most enjoyable 'Beatles: Rock Band' songs when played with a band."

NerdBoyTV NOTE: I saw this on a video demo screen at Toys 'R Us. WOW, the graphics are AWESOME. Terrific way to pass The Beatles music onto the next generations. My 12-year-old loves it!

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