Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google to let you comment on anything, anywhere

By Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech (CLICK to read more)

"Ever wish you could speak your mind on some blog, but the jerk running it has the commenting system turned off? Well Google has good news for you: A new feature coming to the ubiquitous Google Toolbar will add a discussion system to every web page on earth. Just pop open the so-called Sidewiki window, speak your mind, and every other Google Toolbar user in the world will be able to see your thoughts when they access that page and click the 'comments' button.

Google is hardly the first company to try such a feature, but it may be the first that' finds success with it. I remember vividly a similar plan from a company (the name of which is now lost to the web) that let users leave Post-It style notes on any web page they visited, a sort of digital graffiti that let them tag pages, telling the proprietor and others exactly what they thought of the content."

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