In this episode of NerdBoyTV, Ryan Yee interviews Renato Valdes, CEO of Cardcloud. Use the Cardcloud app to transmit your contact information to whomever needs it. No reprints. No piles of cards. Your business card "in the cloud" is always available.
NerdBoyTV is a weekly syndicated podcast on iTunes and YouTube since 2007 focusing on consumer technology, techie gadgets, and cool Internet finds for the everyday person. Ryan Yee is the host of NerdBoyTV (with over 33,000 Twitter followers) and provides product demos, expert interviews, and links to the latest technology news. It's like having your very own online "nerd" friend.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
SHOW #104 - NerdBoyTV: Cardcloud
In this episode of NerdBoyTV, Ryan Yee interviews Renato Valdes, CEO of Cardcloud. Use the Cardcloud app to transmit your contact information to whomever needs it. No reprints. No piles of cards. Your business card "in the cloud" is always available.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Amazon Drops Price of Verizon’s HTC Thunderbolt to $130 This Weekend
Amazon Drops Price of Verizon's HTC Thunderbolt to $130 This Weekend
New Ver i zon cus tomers can pick up a HTC Thun der bolt, Ver i zon's first LTEphone, for a reduced price of $129.99 over at Ama zon this week end.
The HTC Thun der bolt packs some very pow er ful hard ware, includ ing a single core 1 GHz Snap drag on CPU, 768 MB of RAM, an 8-megapix el cam era, a 4.3-inch screen as well as 8 GB of built-in mem o ry and 32 GB of addi tion al mem o ry on a microSD card.
Its claim to fame, how ev er, is the sup port for LTE tech nol o gy, which enables fast data trans fer on Ver i zon's net work. Orig i nal ly, the Thun derbolt's price was $249.99 with a two-year con tract, which leaves a full $130 in your pock et.
The offer is valid until mid night Pacif ic Time on Mon day, April 25.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Google's Groupon Competitor Goes Live
Google promises “50% off or more off of places you’ll love,” on a signup page, and offers six options -- Portland, Oregon; Oakland/East Bay and San Francisco, California: and downtown, midtown and uptown New York City. So far, only Portland is offering a beta version of Offers, though no deals are available at the present time.
The program has been in the works since at least January, when Mashable got hold of a fact sheet on the service. According to that document, Google Offers will look and operate much like Groupon or LivingSocial and send an email with a local deal of the day to users. Consumers then have a specific time period (likely 24 hours) to act on the deal.
Google’s service comes after the company famously tried to buy Groupon for $6 billion. Groupon rebuffed the offer and is now readying an IPO that could be as high as $25 billion.
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RIM PlayBook sells 50,000 on Day One; Amazon tablet (probably) imminent
"Research in Motion’s (RIMM) new tablet, the Android app-compatible PlayBook, hit the streets this week. It also sold better on its first day of shelf life than many expected, moving 50,000 tabs on April 19.
Here’s a quote from’s Gadgetbox on the subject from its story:
‘The launch appears to have been stronger than the launch of Motorola's Xoom [Android] Tablet, or the Samsung Galaxy Tab, although it's too early to judge sustainability,’ said RBC Capital Markets' analyst Mike Abramsky in a note to clients.
Of course, the PlayBook’s numbers aren’t exactly comparable to what Apple’s iPad pulled down -- 300,000 sold on its first day in April 2010, 19.5 million iPads and iPad 2s sold to date -- but in the increasingly crowded tablet market, it’s not a bad showing, especially given the fact that RIM has been struggling to catch up with Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) of late. Abramsky told the Montreal Gazette that RIM is on track to ship 500,000 PlayBooks by the first quarter of 2012.
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Apple to beat Google on cloud music: source
Apple's plans will allow iTunes customers to store their songs on a remote server, and then access them from wherever they have an Internet connection, said two of these people who asked not to be named as the talks are still confidential.
The maker of the wildly popular iPhone and iPod, Apple has yet to sign any new licenses for the service and major music labels are hoping to secure deals before the service is launched, three of the sources said. Apple has not told its music partners of when it intends to introduce its music locker, they said.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Motorola delays 4G Droid Bionic for Verizon until summer
Motorola delays 4G Droid Bionic for Verizon until summer
Motoro la's Droid Bion ic — its first 4G phone on Ver i zon — has been delayed until the sum mer so that the com pa ny can make "sev er al enhancements," the Wall Street Jour nal reports.
The Bion ic was orig i nal ly sched uled to launch in the sec ond quar ter, so the delay is a sig nif i cant one for Motoro la. Accord ing to the WSJ, the phone may not actu al ly ship until the third quar ter, or the very late sum mer.
The delay means that Motoro la won't have a 4G entry on Ver i zon's LTE network for some time. Mean while HTC's Thun der bolt has been out for a month now, and LG is prep ping its Rev o lu tion smart phone. Sam sung will also deliv er a 4G ver sion of its Galaxy S phone, and it's prepar ing for the Galaxy S II later this year as well. Ver i zon has a slew of other 4G devices on the hori zon, which we saw at the Con sumer Elec tron ics Show in Jan u ary.
A Motoro la spokes woman told the WSJ that the Bion ic improve ments came about after "com pelling feed back" from CES.
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Are Apps Like Flipboard the Future of Media?
Are Apps Like Flipboard the Future of Media?
If you spend any time at all with an iPad, it soon becomes sec ond nature to swipe through web pages, books and mag a zines with just a fin ger stroke, to the point where this has become the pre ferred way of con sum ing con tent for many dig i tal natives — whether it's a book, a news pa per or a Twit ter or Face book feed. Flip board was one of the first to take advan tage of this with a magazine-style, swipe-powered inter face. Oth ers have come along as well, includ ing Zite and Pulse, as well as video-based apps like ShowYou. If nothing else, such apps are show ing tra di tion al media enti ties what read ers really want when it comes to dig i tal con tent: smart aggre ga tion, cus tomiza tion and per son al iza tion, and a bet ter inter face.
Flip board not only came out of the gate early with a new kind of media brows ing expe ri ence, but it has been plow ing new ground since its launch as well. The app began as a sim ple way of flip ping through Twit ter streams and Face book feeds, but not long ago, it added sup port for RSS feeds, which expand ed the range of con tent avail able dra mat i cal ly. More recent ly, it has signed con tent deals with tra di tion al media out lets, includ ing an agree ment to carry Oprah-related con tent in the app.
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CloudMagic Searches Gmail & Google Docs at Lightning Speed
CloudMagic Searches Gmail & Google Docs at Lightning Speed
Name: Cloud Mag ic
Quick Pitch: Cloud Mag ic pro vides instant & inte grat ed search for your online data.
Genius Idea: Lightning-fast Gmail search.
Search for some thing in Gmail and the query will take any where from a few sec onds to a full minute depend ing on the prod uct's tem pera ment. The wait can be ago niz ing. The far speed i er ver sion of Gmail search engi neered by Cloud Mag ic is any thing but painful.
Cloud Mag ic, a brows er plu g in for Chrome and Fire fox, is more than a Gmail search tool. The plu g in offers an inte grat ed search expe ri ence across Gmail, Google Dogs and Con tacts, sup ports Google Apps users and allows for mul ti ple accounts.
Once installed, the Cloud Mag ic search bar sits in the upper right hand corner inside Gmail and Google Docs and pro vides a search-as-you-type experi ence that feels unbe liev ably fast.
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Need Help Finding the Perfect Domain Name? Try Panabee
Panabee is a sim ple, use ful tool for find ing great domain names. In an increas ing ly crowd ed Inter net — and a crowd ed gen er al mar ket place where one's com pa ny name and URL are often one and the same — this seem ing ly sim ple task poses more prob lems for entre pre neurs and SMBs than one might imag ine.
Some reg is trars such as GoDad dy will sug gest new domain names if the one you want isn't avail able, but you have to admit, a .biz or .info top-level domain (TLD) isn't the best choice for any busi ness or per son al URL.
Panabee, on the other hand, will show you quite a few inter est ing vari a tions around your pre ferred URL or key word. Bet ter still, it can show you theURLs of your com peti tors for that key word.
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Free and Easy Email Reminders with FollowUpThen
Fol lowUpThen is an email reminder ser vice that noti fies you when a task is due.
To remem ber things, most of us might be using a task man age ment app. But what if you for get to check the todo app at all (hap pens all the time)? Set ting auto mat ed alerts is the right way to go.
Fol lowUpThen is a free ser vice and to set up email reminders, you don't even have to visit their site at all. Just address the reminders to the, pre ced ed by the day when you want to be remind ed.
Free and Easy Email Reminders with FollowUpThen
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Whatser wants to help local businesses reward customer loyalty
Whatser, the location-based ser vice that lets users share their favorite loca tions with friends and dis cov er new ones along the way, is flick ing the mon e ti za tion switch today.
It's launch ing a 'mar ket ing plat form' in which local mer chants and brands can 'claim' a loca tion that they oper ate and com mu ni cate with Whatser users who've already added them to their col lec tion. Spe cial offers can then be pushed to these "fans", thus build ing and reward ing cus tomer loy al ty. In a very thin ly veiled swipe at Groupon, Whatser says its approach avoids the prob lem of "coupon-chasers" in which mer chants are forced to slash prices for cus tomers who may never return.
No 'coupon-chasers' here – Whatser wants to help local businesses reward customer loyalty
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Sharing the iPhone With Verizon Doesn't Kill AT&T
Last quar ter was the first time AT&T had to share the iPhone with Ver i zon. But there seems to be enough to go around.
The car ri er says it acti vat ed 3.6 mil lion iPhones in Q1. That's down from 4.1 mil lion in Q4 2010, but up from the same quar ter a year ago, when it turned on 2.7 mil lion Apple hand sets.
AT&T says 23 per cent of its iPhone acti va tions were new sub scribers. Which is anoth er way of say ing that given the choice to head to Ver i zon, about 4 out of every 5 AT&T iPhone users stayed put.
The car ri er's earn ings release said almost noth ing about its planned acqui sition of T-Mobile from Deutsche Telekom for $39 bil lion, but we'll expect to hear more about that dur ing the con fer ence call later this morn ing.
Sharing the iPhone With Verizon Doesn't Kill AT&T
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
40 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
It's mid-April and we've offi cial ly hit jack et weath er. If you were lucky enough to be out side enjoy ing the sun, we can't blame you. But that does mean you might have missed some of our tools and resources from the past week or so.
This week we've got sto ries about Apple's plan for a world with out wires, a break down of Google's earn ings and a review of the new Black Ber ry playbook. Look ing for even more social media resources? This guide appears every week end, and you can check out all the lists-gone-by here any time.
40 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
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10 Fresh Tees to Geek Out Your Summer Wardrobe
With warmer weath er on the hori zon and our last tshirt roundup a lit tle way back, we thought it was high time we took anoth er look at the casu al cloth ing genre from a geeky per spec tive.
We've found 10 top tees that will embla zon your geek i ness across your chest like some kind of nerd badge of honor. We've got fresh options for Googlophiles, fan boys, net-lovers, fol low ers of pop cul ture, Foursquare-lovers and more.
Have a wan der through the gallery and let us know in the com ments below which garment-of-geek you'd con sid er don ning this sea son, as well as any oth ers you've seen of late that are worth a men tion.
10 Fresh Tees to Geek Out Your Summer Wardrobe
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Sony said to have stopped PSP Go production
Sony said to have stopped PSP Go pro duc tion, curi ous ly fails to deny itorig i nal ly appeared on Engad get on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 07:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Sony said to have stopped PSP Go production, curiously fails to deny it
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Monday, April 18, 2011
Cardcloud: Never Bring a Business Card Again
How many times have you left the house only to find your self caught, meet ing all the right people, with out a busi ness card in sight? Sud den ly, your scratch ing down your email address and phone num ber on a scrap piece of paper and you never hear from them again.
It's a prob lem we've seen approached in a cou ple dif fer ent ways and today, we'll show you one more, with an app called Card cloud that we think solves a basic prob lem the oth ers don't.
Cardcloud: Never Bring a Business Card Again
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Twitter In Talks To Buy TweetDeck
Twit ter is in talks to pur chase Tweet Deck Inc. for $50 mil lion, accord ing to the Wall Street Jour nal.
Tweet Deck is one of the most pop u lar third-party Twit ter clients, avail able in desk top, iPad, iPhone and Android ver sions. It dis plays your Twit ter news feed, @mentions and direct mes sages, along with your Face book feeds — all on the same screen, all updat ing in real time. Tweet Deck can also support updates from MySpace, LinkedIn and Foursquare.
Twitter In Talks To Buy TweetDeck
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Create a Printed Album From Your Digital Photos
Mobile photo shar ing ser vices like Insta gram and Pic plz con tin ue to be a big app trend in 2011. Users love tak ing pho tos, apply ing effects and sharing their dig i tal cre ations with friends and fam i ly mem bers.
Some times, how ev er, a dig i tal copy just isn't enough. As great as dig i tal pho tographs are, there is still some thing spe cial about a phys i cal, print ed pho to graph. For tu nate ly, cre at ing phys i cal albums and books from a dig i tal photo library is easy and afford able.
We're approach ing the spring/summer gift ing sea son (Moth er's Day, grad ua tion, Father's Day), which means that now is a great time to start mak ing phys i cal memen tos out of dig i tal mem o ries.
HOW TO: Create a Printed Album From Your Digital Photos
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2011: The Year the Check-in Died
Early last year, "check ing in" was the cool new craze. No visit to your favorite tech news site could be had with out get ting buried in a tsuna mi of arti cles about Foursquare, Gowal la, Loopt, BriteKite or a myr i ad other star tups. The big guys quick ly fol lowed suit: Yelp intro duced "Check-Ins" while Face book launched "Places" and most recent ly, Google Lat i tude updat ed to incor po rate check-ins and check-outs. But here's the thing: the trends aren't actu al ly that good.
Let's look at Foursquare and Face book. First, there's no doubt Foursquare is throw ing off some impres sive num bers (e.g. the com pa ny's recent announce ment of 6 mil lion users). It typ i cal ly announces total, rather than active, users and that num ber is rough ly grow ing lin ear ly at present. Total users, by def i n i tion, of course, only goes up - yet accord ing to, Web traf fic has declined for five con sec u tive months, amount ing to a 50% reduc tion in traf fic over that peri od. And while traf fic isn't the best indi cator of usage, Web vis its should be just as like ly now as five months ago, and it's cer tain ly not a pos i tive sign of rapid growth in usage.
2011: The Year the Check-in Died
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Give Your Digital Life a Spring Cleaning
It's offi cial: Spring has sprung. Time to start spring clean ing. And there is no bet ter place to start than the place you spend most of your time any way — the world wide web.
There are plen ty of tools you can use to tidy up, whether it's orga niz ing your email, using the cloud to get your files in order, or mak ing the most of your social media. This spring-cleaning reg i men is all about get ting you organized, opti mized and ready to take on the dig i tal world. Read on to find out how.
HOW TO: Give Your Digital Life a Spring Cleaning
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How Small Businesses Can Use Social Media for Customer Service
For some SMBs — whether they're brick-and-mortar shops or online business es — being able to mon i tor cus tomer feed back, respond to com plaints and help answer ques tions across a wide vari ety of web sites is incred i bly valu able, and it estab lish es a rap port with cus tomers, who are like ly to spread the word and praise the SMB for its out reach.
To get a bet ter under stand ing of what the CRM tasks are and the best tools to accom plish them, Mash able spoke with Mar sha Col lier, who wrote the book on online cus tomer ser vice.
How Small Businesses Can Use Social Media for Customer Service
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4 Free Conference Calling Services
4 Free Conference Calling Services
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Propping Up Your iPad: 3 Stands for Watching Video in Bed
Propping Up Your iPad: 3 Stands for Watching Video in Bed
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Sunday, April 17, 2011
Article: Cisco's axing of Flip had an additional casualty: the unnannounced FlipLive streaming camera
Cisco's axing of Flip had an additional casualty: the unnannounced FlipLive streaming camera
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11 iPad Apps For Meetings And Presentations
11 iPad Apps For Meetings And Presentations : Technology
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Obama Says White House Tech Is 30 Years Behind
Obama Says White House Tech Is 30 Years Behind
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Saturday, April 16, 2011
Speed tests: iPad 2 vs. PlayBook vs. Xoom
Speed tests: iPad 2 vs. PlayBook vs. Xoom | Crave
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Droid Incredible 2 should hit Verizon stores April 28
Droid Incredible 2 should hit Verizon stores April 28 | Android Atlas
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Flip alternatives worth buying--and a couple to skip | Crave
Flip alternatives worth buying--and a couple to skip | Crave
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RIM CEO: We've still got it | Signal Strength
RIM CEO: We've still got it | Signal Strength
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How Facebook Can Beat Groupon: By Making Deals Social
How Facebook Can Beat Groupon: By Making Deals Social
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Will the iPad be as Unbeatable as the iPod?
Generation after generation of audio players were declared iPod-killers, either by their makers or by the press. And yet the iPod emerged without a scratch. Now, manufacturers are pouring resources into iPad challengers. I suspect, though, that when the dust settles on the tablet market, iPad alternatives like the Xoom may end up like the Zune.
Many people disagree with that analysis. When they speculate on the future of the iPad, they don't look at the iPod experience, but at what happened in personal computers. Apple had a great, user-friendly OS, but it was only available on Apple's hardware. Eventually Macs were swamped by the greater hardware options available with Windows. That's the paradigm that seems to be playing out in smartphones, in which the pioneering iPhone is being eclipsed in market share by the sheer number of phones that run Android.
It's easy to conclude that the same will happen in tablets -- as more and more companies produce Android tablets, that Android Army will eventually overrun the iPad's current dominant position.
I don't think so. Why? There are three main reasons
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SHOW #103 - NerdBoyTV: Tech News - April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
SHOW #102 - NerdBoyTV: CrazyTalk Animator Pro
Visit their website at