Thursday, July 29, 2010

Camera Sutra iPhone app not sexy, but does the job

Camera Sutra iPhone app not sexy, but does the job - iPhone app review - Dan Kricke | Appolicious ™ iPhone App Directory: "Armed with a clever name and a handful of neat effects, the $1.99 Camera Sutra iPhone app could be an fine addition to a novice photographer’s app collection.

Don’t be misled though -- despite sharing part of its name with the classic sexuality text, the Kama Sutra, there’s nothing scandalous about Camera Sutra. It is simply a no-frills photo effects app designed primarily for folks unaccustomed to putting filters on their pictures.

Camera Sutra’s interface could not be simpler. Once you open up the app, it looks like just the iPhone’s camera. Tapping anywhere on the screen opens up the wheel of effects you can use for your photo, and selecting an effect is as easy as sliding the wheel to the effect you want.

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