Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gamer study reinforces stereotypes, players say

By Suzanne Choney /Games - (CLICK to read more)

"Tod Curtis says he’s “near 35, not fat, not bummed” and is an “extroverted video-game player who appreciates proper science.” The Bedford, Ind., man does not, however, appreciate the recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of adults ages 19 to 90.

The study found that the average age of video-game players is 35, that many male players have a higher body mass index (and are overweight) and that female players reported “greater depression” than women who don’t play video games.

“I've been playing video games since 1978, with the Atari 2600, when I was 6 years old,” said Curtis, who is now 37. “I play about four to eight hours per week, with a lot of variation. I had always planned to become a video-game designer/computer scientist, but pursued a career as an orthodontist instead.”"

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