Monday, November 15, 2010

E-mail secondary as Facebook revamps messaging

CLICK to read article on Yahoo! News: "Facebook unveiled a new messaging platform Monday that takes aim at one of the Internet's first applications, e-mail.

Although blogs had been speculating that Facebook would announce an e-mail service to rival Google Inc.'s Gmail and others, Facebook said e-mail was just one component of its plans.

Declaring e-mail past its prime in the age of texts and instant messages, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company doesn't believe e-mail is going to be a modern messaging system. The first Internet e-mail system arrived in the early 1970s.

'If we do a good job, some people will say this is the way that the future will work,' Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg dismissed notions that 'Project Titan,' as its service is called, is the 'Gmail killer' it's been dubbed as in the press. But he also said that just as high school students are forgoing e-mail in favor of shorter, more immediate chats, more people down the line will send IMs and chats because it's simpler, 'more fun' and more valuable to use.

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