Saturday, December 12, 2009

Apple set to take on Amazon, Kindle with (rumored) tablet

By Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech (CLICK to read more)

"We've seen neither hide nor hair of the oft-rumored Mac tablet, but at least one analyst claims that not only will the device launch next spring, but also that Apple is positioning it to book publishers as a Kindle killer. What's the supposed killer feature, you ask? Apparently, it's all about the money.

AppleInsider reports that Oppenheimer analyst Yair Reiner told investors in a note Wednesday that production is ramping up for the long-rumored but as yet unseen Mac tablet, which could arrive in stores with a 10.1-inch LCD screen (not OLED, as some have speculated) and a $1,000 price tag (ouch) as soon as March or April.

Of course, Apple tablet rumors are a dime a dozen; by now, we've heard that the tablet (which Apple hasn't even announced yet) could be anywhere from $500 to $2,000, run on Verizon Wireless (or not), rang in size from four to 11 inches, and even potentially sprout wings and fly. (The tablet-looking thing pictured here is just clip art, by the way.)

More interesting, though, is Reiner's claim (according to AppleInsider) that Apple is actively shopping around a 'very attractive proposal' for a new 'e-book platform' to take on the Kindle."

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