Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Top 5 iPhone Features for Teenagers

by Bunee Tomlison (

We already know that the Phone is a terrific smartphone. So of all the features this popular Apple phone has to offer, what do you think teenagers think are "tops" in their book? NerdBoyTV asked guest blogger, Bunee Tomlinson, a sharp young teenager on Twitter, to help us figure this out.

Game Apps

The gaming system on the iPhone is a lot of fun. The app store provides an efficient and straightforward way to download games. Purchasing has never been simpler—Apple was right on the mark with this one. One great thing that even a parent could appreciate is that so many of games are free. These games can be purchased right from the iPhone device from any location where the Internet is available. Control your game by simply moving the iPhone thanks to the accelerometer built into the device. Apple provides a seemless gaming experience for all ages.


Apple has become known as the leader in portable music devices. The great thing is they have integrated this technology into the iPhone. The user interface is so easy-to-use—anyone could pick it up and know how to use it. The touch-screen provides a beautiful way to flip through your music. Video has also become a staple for Apple. Videos can be put onto your iPhone right from the phone. And again, video purchasing could not be easier.

If you are not fond of purchasing, you can also rent movies. Apple does have HD videos available for its customers. For the book readers out there, don't forget you can also download audiobooks. Many companies have filled the app store with a great selection of multimedia apps such as Pandora and AOL Music.


The greatest mobile browser is also available on the iPhone. Safari on the iPhone is an HTML browser that allows users to see a web page like it would appear on their computer desktop. The YouTube is available so you can easily access the millions of videos on that site. WiFi is also available making the iPhone Internet-accessible almost anywhere.


Text messaging is simply a critical part of the teen user experience for ALL cellular devices. Text messaging is popular because it provides users with a way to send messages not worthy of a phone call without using up all those precious minutes. MMS is coming—soon, sending multimedia files will be as simple to send by iPhone as text.

Social Networking

In our busy lives, making time to schedule face-to-face meetings doesn't always work. We can catch up with one another as time permits. Meeting others with similar interests is a lot easier today. Even though emails, addresses, and cell phone numbers change over time, you ALWAYS have a constant place to reach someone with social networking. There are tons of great social networking apps available in the iPhone App Store. From Twitter to Facebook, you will find a growing list of ways to stay connected with your friends using your iPhone.

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